Course Schedule

Course Code Title 2024 SP 01 2024 SP 02 2024 SU 01 2024 SU 02 2024 FA 01 2024 FA 02 2025 SP 01 2025 SP 02 2025 SU 01 2025 SU 02 2025 FA 01 2025 FA 02
ACCT 210 001 Financial Accounting
ACCT 220 010 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 510 010 Accounting Reporting and Analysis
ARTS 110 001 Introduction to Art
ARTS 110 002 Introduction to Art
ARTS 110 003 Introduction to Art
ARTS 110 010 Introduction to Art
ARTS 110 011 Introduction to Art
ARTS 110 012 Introduction to Art
ARTS 400 001 Visual Arts for the Elem Teacher
ARTS 400 002 Visual Arts for the Elem Teacher
ARTS 410 001 Perform Arts for the Elem Teacher
ARTS 410 002 Perform Arts for the Elem Teacher
BIBL 100 001 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 002 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 003 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 004 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 010 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 011 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 012 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 013 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 014 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 100 015 Biblical Lit Exodus/Deuteronomy
BIBL 230 001 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIBL 230 002 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIBL 230 003 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIBL 230 004 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIBL 230 010 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIBL 230 011 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIBL 230 012 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIBL 230 013 Biblical Literature Luke/Acts
BIOL 105 001 General Biology/Lab
BIOL 105 010 General Biology/Lab
BIOL 225 001 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 002 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 003 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 004 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 005 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 010 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 011 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 012 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 225 013 General Microbiology/Lab
BIOL 230 001 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 002 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 003 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 004 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 005 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 006 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 010 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 011 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 012 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 230 013 Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
BIOL 240 001 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 002 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 003 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 004 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 010 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 011 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 012 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 013 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BIOL 240 014 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
BUSN 250 001 Business Communications
BUSN 250 010 Business Communications
BUSN 270 010 Business Law & Ethics
BUSN 310 001 Statistical Analysis for Bus Decis
BUSN 320 001 Financial Management & Markets
BUSN 320 010 Financial Management & Markets
BUSN 340 001 Introduction to Business Analytics
BUSN 340 010 Introduction to Business Analytics
BUSN 350 001 Marketing & E-Commerce
BUSN 350 010 Marketing & E-Commerce
BUSN 350 011 Marketing & E-Commerce
BUSN 395 010 Project Management
BUSN 395 011 Project Management
BUSN 415 001 Operations Management
BUSN 415 010 Operations Management
BUSN 450 001 International Business
BUSN 450 010 International Business
BUSN 460 010 Leadership and People
BUSN 480 001 Strategic Management & Policy
BUSN 485 001 Management & Organizational Behvr
BUSN 485 010 Management & Organizational Behvr
BUSN 500 001 Principles Business Administration
BUSN 520 001 Financial Mgmt and Decision Making
BUSN 540 001 Business Law and Ethics
BUSN 550 001 Bus Analytics for Decision Making
BUSN 580 001 Strategic Marketing and E-Commerce
BUSN 600 001 Strategic Management
BUSN 690 010 MBA Capstone
CHEM 115 001 Chemistry for Health Sciences/Lab
CHEM 115 002 Chemistry for Health Sciences/Lab
CHEM 115 003 Chemistry for Health Sciences/Lab
CHEM 115 010 Chemistry for Health Sciences/Lab
CHEM 115 011 Chemistry for Health Sciences/Lab
CHEM 115 012 Chemistry for Health Sciences/Lab
CHEM 115 013 Chemistry for Health Sciences/Lab
COMM 105 001 Public Communication
COMM 105 002 Public Communication
COMM 105 003 Public Communication
COMM 105 010 Public Communication
COMM 105 011 Public Communication
COMM 105 012 Public Communication
CRJU 105 001 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 105 010 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 280 001 Crime and Criminology
CRJU 280 010 Crime and Criminology
CRJU 290 001 The Police Function
CRJU 290 010 The Police Function
CRJU 300 001 CJ Research Methodology
CRJU 300 010 CJ Research Methodology
CRJU 320 001 Criminal Law, Substantive
CRJU 320 010 Criminal Law, Substantive
CRJU 330 010 Crime and Delinquency
CRJU 340 010 Critical Issues in Criminal Justice
CRJU 350 001 Criminal Justice Ethics
CRJU 370 001 The Adjudication Function
CRJU 380 010 Professional Writing
CRJU 390 010 Criminal Investigation
CRJU 410 001 Corrections
CRJU 420 001 Terrorism and Homeland Security
CRJU 430 010 Principles of Public Administration
CRJU 440 010 Constitutional Law
CRJU 450 001 Forensics
CRJU 460 001 Risk Analysis and Security
CRJU 490 001 CJ Capstone/Senior Project
CRJU 490 010 CJ Capstone/Senior Project
DMKT 300 001 Social Media Marketing
DMKT 300 010 Social Media Marketing
DMKT 320 001 Digital Marketing Analytics
DMKT 320 010 Digital Marketing Analytics
DMKT 340 001 Mobile Marketing
DMKT 340 010 Mobile Marketing
DMKT 360 001 Consumer Messaging
DMKT 360 010 Consumer Messaging
DMKT 380 001 Search Engine Optimization
DMKT 380 010 Search Engine Optimization
DMKT 400 001 Consumer Behavior
DMKT 400 010 Consumer Behavior
DMKT 420 001 Customer Relationship Management
DMKT 420 010 Customer Relationship Management
DMKT 440 001 Content Creation
DMKT 440 010 Content Creation
DMKT 460 001 Brand and Product Management
DMKT 460 010 Brand and Product Management
DMKT 490 001 Digital Marketing Capstone
DMKT 490 010 Digital Marketing Capstone
ECON 203 001 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 204 010 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 440 001 International Economics & Trade
ECON 530 010 Managerial Econ in a Global Economy
EDUC 300 001 Intro to Elementary Education
EDUC 310 010 Human Growth and Dev for Educators
EDUC 410 010 PE, Health, Safety for Elem Teacher
EDUC 410 011 PE, Health, Safety for Elem Teacher
EDUC 501 001 Intro to Teaching and Learning
EDUC 501 002 Intro to Teaching and Learning
EDUC 501 003 Intro to Teaching and Learning
EDUC 505 001 Diversity and Inclusive Schooling
EDUC 505 002 Diversity and Inclusive Schooling
EDUC 505 003 Diversity and Inclusive Schooling
EDUC 515 010 Learning Theory and Instruct Strat
EDUC 515 011 Learning Theory and Instruct Strat
EDUC 515 012 Learning Theory and Instruct Strat
EDUC 515 013 Learning Theory and Instruct Strat
EDUC 530 010 Methods Language & Literacy K-8 I
EDUC 530 011 Methods Language & Literacy K-8 I
EDUC 530 012 Methods Language & Literacy TK-6 I
EDUC 530 013 Methods Language & Literacy TK-6 I
EDUC 535 001 Methods Language & Literacy K-8 II
EDUC 535 002 Methods Language & Literacy K-8 II
EDUC 535 003 Methods Language & Literacy K-8 II
EDUC 550 001 Mthd Teach Arts & Soc Sciences K-8
EDUC 550 002 Mthd Teach Arts & Soc Sciences K-8
EDUC 550 003 Mthd Teach Arts & Soc Sciences K-8
EDUC 560 010 Methods in Teaching Mathematics K-8
EDUC 560 011 Methods in Teaching Mathematics K-8
EDUC 560 012 Methods in Teaching Math TK-6
EDUC 570 010 Methods in Teaching Sciences K-8
EDUC 570 011 Methods in Teaching Sciences K-8
EDUC 570 012 Methods in Teaching Sciences TK-6
EDUC 580 001 Teaching Practicum I - Elementary
EDUC 580 002 Teaching Practicum I - Elementary
EDUC 580 003 Teaching Practicum I - Elementary
EDUC 581 001 Student Teaching I - Multiple Sub
EDUC 581 002 Student Teaching I - Multiple Sub
EDUC 581 003 Student Teaching I - Multiple Sub
EDUC 582 001 Intern Teaching I - Multi Subjects
EDUC 590 010 Teaching Practicum II - Elementary
EDUC 590 011 Teaching Practicum II - Elementary
EDUC 590 012 Teaching Practicum II - Elementary
EDUC 591 010 Student Teaching II - Multiple Sub
EDUC 591 011 Student Teaching II - Multiple Sub
EDUC 591 012 Student Teaching II - Multiple Sub
EDUC 592 010 Intern Teaching II - Multi Subjects
EDUC 595 001 CA Teaching Performance Assessment
EDUC 595 002 CA Teaching Performance Assessment
EDUC 595 010 CA Teaching Performance Assessment
EDUC 595 011 CA Teaching Performance Assessment
ENGL 101 001 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 002 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 003 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 004 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 010 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 011 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 012 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 013 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 101 014 Introduction to Composition
ENGL 105 001 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 105 002 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 105 003 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 105 004 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 105 010 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 105 011 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 105 012 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 105 013 Intro to Acad Research and Writing
ENGL 115 001 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 115 002 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 115 010 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 115 011 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 420 010 Principles of Language
ENGL 420 011 Principles of Language
ENGL 450 010 Children's Literature
ENGL 450 011 Children's Literature
HCAD 300 001 Intro to Healthcare Administration
HCAD 300 010 Intro to Healthcare Administration
HCAD 310 010 HR Management in Healthcare
HIST 202 001 World Civilizations
HIST 202 002 World Civilizations
HIST 202 003 World Civilizations
HIST 204 010 US History from 1865
HIST 204 011 US History from 1865
HIST 420 001 US History and the Constitution
HIST 420 002 US History and the Constitution
HIST 440 001 California History
HIST 440 002 California History
HMGT 300 010 Healthcare Laws and Regulations
HMGT 310 001 Healthcare Delivery Systems
HMGT 320 010 Healthcare Financial Management
HMGT 410 001 Healthcare Ethics & Quality Control
HMGT 420 010 Healthcare Organizational Mgmt
HSCI 100 010 Introduction to Health and Disease
HSCI 100 011 Introduction to Health and Disease
HSCI 105 001 Nutrition and Wellness
HSCI 105 002 Nutrition and Wellness
HSCI 105 010 Nutrition and Wellness
HSCI 105 011 Nutrition and Wellness
HSCI 110 001 US Healthcare Systems
HSCI 110 002 US Healthcare Systems
HSCI 300 010 Bioethics
HSCI 300 011 Bioethics
HSCI 305 001 Introduction to Genetics
HSCI 305 010 Introduction to Genetics
HSCI 320 010 Medical Sociology
HSCI 320 011 Medical Sociology
HSCI 400 001 Health Education Programming
HSCI 400 010 Health Education Programming
HSCI 491 001 Senior Seminar: Health Sciences Cap
HSCI 497 010 UG Health Science Culminating Exp
HSCI 497 011 UG Health Science Culminating Exp
ISTU 101 001 Success in the University
ISTU 101 002 Success in the University
ISTU 101 003 Success in the University
ISTU 101 004 Success in the University
ISTU 101 005 Success in the University
ISTU 101 006 Success in the University
ISTU 101 007 Success in the University
ISTU 101 010 Success in the University
ISTU 101 011 Success in the University
ISTU 101 012 Success in the University
ISTU 101 013 Success in the University
ISTU 101 014 Success in the University
ISTU 490 001 Interdisc Studies Capstone I
ISTU 495 010 Interdisc Studies Capstone II
ISYS 150 001 Applied Math for Info Systems
ISYS 150 010 Applied Math for Info Systems
ISYS 200 001 Introduction to Information Systems
ISYS 200 010 Introduction to Information Systems
ISYS 210 001 Hardware and Software
ISYS 210 010 Hardware and Software
ISYS 220 001 Object-Oriented Programming
ISYS 220 010 Object-Oriented Programming
ISYS 230 001 Introduction to Systems Analysis
ISYS 310 001 Server Management
ISYS 320 010 Business Communication Systems
ISYS 330 010 Network Administration
ISYS 340 001 Database Design and Administration
ISYS 340 010 Database Design and Administration
ISYS 350 001 Ethical Hacking
ISYS 370 001 Principles of Digital Forensics
ISYS 380 001 Information Systems Management
ISYS 380 010 Information Systems Management
ISYS 381 001 Mgmt for Info Systems Professionals
ISYS 381 010 Mgmt for Info Systems Professionals
ISYS 400 010 Web Development
ISYS 410 010 Operating Systems Analysis & Design
ISYS 420 001 Enterprise Architecture
ISYS 440 001 Data Analysis and Warehousing
ISYS 450 010 Mobile Apps & Computing in Business
ISYS 460 001 Data Analytics & Bus Intelligence
ISYS 465 010 Business Information Systems Ethics
ISYS 470 001 Information Security and Compliance
ISYS 485 010 Data Modeling and Architecture
ISYS 490 001 Information Systems Capstone
ISYS 490 010 Information Systems Capstone
ISYS 495 010 Enterprise Security Risk Management
ISYS 560 010 Technology and Innovation
MATH 099 001 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 099 002 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 099 003 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 099 004 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 099 010 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 099 011 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 099 012 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 105 010 Survey of College Mathematics
MATH 125 001 College Algebra
MATH 301 010 Math for the Elementary Teacher I
MATH 302 001 Math for the Elementary Teacher II
MATH 302 002 Math for the Elementary Teacher II
NSCI 114 001 A to Z Laboratory Course
NSCI 114 010 A to Z Laboratory Course
NSCI 150 001 Introduction to Astronomy/Lab
NSCI 150 010 Introduction to Astronomy/Lab
NSCI 301 001 Life Science
NSCI 325 010 Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences
NSCI 325 011 Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences
ORGS 300 001 Dynamics of Group Behavior
ORGS 335 010 Leadership Theory and Practice